Members of the Law Society appointed to sit as Representatives of the Law Society on other committees or organizations

Advisory Committee on Federal Judicial Appointments:
Donna MacEwen, K.C.

Bench and Bar Committee:
President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Janet Clark, Derek Bondt

Community Legal Information:
Kassia Curley

Federation of Law Societies:
President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Cynthia Taylor

Judicial Appointments Provincial Court:

Kings Counsel Recommendations:
President (Sherry Gillis, K.C.), 1 representative from each of Supreme Court, Provincial Court, and Attorney General's Office, Daphne Dumont, K.C.

Rules Committee:
Voting Members*– Gary Demeulenaere, K.C., (2nd year), Pamela Stewart (1 year extension) Non-Voting Members – Donna MacEwen, K.C., John Brennan, Jessica Gillis

Victims' Services:
Jenny Mason

Annual and Mid-Winter Meeting
This committee is tasked with organizing the events surrounding the Annual and Mid-Winter meetings. The Committee is responsible for selecting the location and dates for these events, providing support for the meetings and CLEs, and scheduling and organizing the social functions which surround them.

CHAIR: Ben Coles, MEMBERS: Kate Profit, Molly Murphy, Maggie Hughes, Cullen Mullally, Zach Tweel, Gillian Lush, Nicola Reynolds (CBA), Mary Lynn Kane, K.C. (Law Society), Lisa MacKay (Law Society)

Articling & Admissions/ Board of Examiners
This committee, the membership of which includes the Bar Admission Course Coordinator, develops standards and procedures for the development of a potential member from the level of newly graduated law student until they are prepared for admission as full members of the Law Society. The Committee also acts as the Board of Examiners as necessary.

CHAIR: Yolande Murphy, MEMBERS: Sherry Gillis, K.C., Ryan MacDonald, Karen Rose, K.C., Derek Bondt, Margaret Anne Walsh, Bridget Morriscey, Taylor Smiley, Hilary Newman, Susan Johnston, Racha Al Mayaleh, Graeme Stetson, Lindsay McLellan, Lisa MacKay (Bar Course Coordinator)

Call to Action Committee
The Call to Action Committee will assist Council in meeting the objectives of the Policy adopted by Council in June 2020.

CHAIR: Justin Milne, MEMBERS: Don MacKenzie, K.C., Alanna Taylor, K.C., Chris Montigny, Andrew Kirk.

Continuing Legal Education
In 2009, the CBA commenced delivery of the continuing legal education program in PEI. The committee is tasked with developing the subject-matter, either from its own sources or by the direction of Council, and organizing at least four CLE's during each year. The membership of this committee includes the Legal Education Coordinator and CBA Executive Director.

CHAIR: Lucas MacArthur, MEMBERS: Isabelle Keeler, Kerri Seward Carpenter, Kim McNeill, K.C, Constance Robinson, Thomas Sutton, Scott Barry, Meaghan Hughes, Andrew Sapiano, Christiana Tweedy, Lisa MacKay (Law Society), Lindsay McLellan (Director of Public Education and Professional Responsibility, Law Society), Nicola Reynolds (CBA)

Credentials Committee
This Committee is populated by Past-Presidents of the Law Society and may be called upon to examine the character and fitness of applicants for admission to the Society in appropriate circumstances. 

Robert MacGregor, Pamela Stewart, Spencer Campbell K.C., Cindy Cameron, (Past Presidents - 5 years)

Discipline Committees
Established pursuant to the Regulations and comprised of six members and two public representatives one on each of two committees; each committee carries out investigations and formal hearings into complaints against members.

A : CHAIR: Scott MacKenzie, K.C., MEMBERS: Thane MacEachern, K.C., Hans Connor, Gordon MacFarlane, Joel Wonnacott, Ron MacLeod, Emily MacDonald, Donna MacEwen, K.C., Janet Coughlin-Cameron (public rep), Pamela Trainor (public rep)

B : CHAIR: Leslie Collins, K.C., MEMBERS: Lisa Goulden, K.C., Lynn Murray, K.C., Gary Demeulenaere, K.C., Matthew MacFarlane, Aidan Sheridan, Bobbi-Jo Dow Baker, Steve Dowling, Marsha Cusack (public rep), Kathleen Casey (public rep)

Substitute Members for Discipline and Members of Competency Review Panels
Murray Murphy, K.C., Don MacKenzie, K.C., Denise Doiron, Alex Dalton, Peter Ghiz, Dalton McGuinty, Joanne Donohoe (Public Rep.)

Discipline Policies and Procedure
This committee establishes policies and procedures to be used in the internal process for dealing with complaints against members. It makes recommendations to Council for changes to the statute and/or regulations as they pertain to the discipline process.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Mandate: The Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee monitors and informs Council on issues related to equity, diversity and inclusion in the legal profession and the justice system in PEI. It explores and makes recommendations to Council on actions to be taken regarding equity, diversity and inclusion within the legal profession and justice system in PEI.

Specific Committee Responsibilities
  1. Create standards and policies related to anti-racism, equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility.
  2. Monitor issues affecting anti-racism, equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility in the legal profession and justice system in PEI and make recommendations to Council and the CLE Committee regarding education and awareness training for members as it relates to anti-racism, equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility.
  3. Review data from members related to anti-racism, equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility and use this to inform recommendations to Council regarding the development of any resources or educational materials.
  4. Attend to any other such matters as may be referred to it.

CHAIR: Jennifer MacPherson, MEMBERS: Mary Lynn Kane, K.C. (Law Society), Jeremy MacDonald, Pragya Chowdhury, Ash Arsenault.

The Ethics Committee provides advice to members individually and as a group on issues of a general ethical nature and reviews the Law Society‘s Code of Professional Conduct and recommends any changes that the Committee feels necessary.

CHAIR: Shannon Farrell, K.C., MEMBERS: Catherine Chaisson K.C., Judy Burke, K.C., Johnathan Matters, Joel Wonnacott, Katie Morello, Caitlyn Gallant, Julia O'Hanley.

Family Law
CHAIR: Pamela Stewart, VICE-CHAIR: Matt Walters, MEMBERS: Leslie Collins, K.C., Ryan Moss, Cindy Cameron.

Health & Wellness
CHAIR: Jessica Gillis, MEMBERS: Andrew Campbell, K.C., Perlene Morrison, K.C., Caroline Davison, Molly Murphy.

Law Foundation
The purpose and composition of the board of the Law Foundation are found in Part VII of the Legal Profession Act.

The Foundation derives its revenues primarily from the interest on members’ trust accounts and has the power to establish and maintain a fund from the interest received and use the proceeds thereof for the purposes of:
  • (a) legal education, legal research or law reform;
  • (b) the editing and printing of decisions of the Court of Appeal, Supreme Court and Provincial Court of Prince Edward Island;
  • (c) the promotion of legal aid; and
  • (d) aiding in the establishing, operating and maintaining of law libraries in Prince Edward Island.

The Foundation is administered by a board of governors consisting of five members comprised as follows:
  • (a) the Minister of Justice and Public Safety or the Minister’s appointee; and
  • (b) four members of the society appointed by the Council.
CHAIR: William Dow, K.C. MEMBERS: Susan Robinson, K.C., Rob MacGregor, Paul Murphy, Charity Hogan, Jonah Clements (Attorney General's appointee), Don Desserud (Public Rep.)

This committee, with advisory assistance from the Legislative Counsel, is tasked with monitoring the legislation program of government and review any proposed statute or amendment that has ramifications for the legal profession and also monitor the procedures used to ensure that the laws of the province are readily available to the profession. Periodic reviews of the Legal Profession Act are also the responsibility of this committee.

CHAIR: Gary Scales, K.C., MEMBERS: Curtis Doyle, Emily MacDonald, Erin Mitchell, Filip Hrga, Peter Ghiz

Library, Court House
The Library Committee is responsible for providing the best affordable tools for legal research to the members and the public in the courthouse locations in both Summerside and Charlottetown. The committee is also responsible for any physical aspects of the courthouses that are the responsibility of, or of concern to, the members of the Law Society.

CHAIR: Richard Collier, MEMBERS: Steven Forbes, Yolande Murphy, Alex Dalton, Paula MacFadyen, former Justice Terri MacPherson (Advisor to the Committee), Lindsay McLellan (Director of Public Education and Professional Responsibility, Law Society).

Nominating Committee
Made up of the Past President, the President and a member selected by the membership at the annual meeting of the Society, this committee is responsible with putting forward to the annual meeting a slate of nominees for Council and for the officer positions with the Society. 

CHAIR: Cindy Cameron, MEMBERS: Sherry Gillis, K.C., Cynthia Taylor

Real Property
This committee is responsible for making recommendations to Council regarding the mechanism and procedures employed in the province for the effecting and recording of various transactions involving real estate. They may be required to provide input on changes to the registry system at the request of government or Council and may recommend changes.

CHAIR: Geoff Connolly, K.C., MEMBERS: Horace Carver K.C., Sherra Profit, Ryan MacDonald, Robin Aitken, Dave Canvin, Karen MacLeod, Danny Tweel, Brandon Forbes, Sean Corcoran, James Profit, Kaitlyn Angus Hornsby, Zach Tweel.

The committee decides on the recipients of the annual Law Society scholarship(s) and makes recommendations to Council for changes to the program. 

CHAIR: Susan Connolly, MEBMERS: Ken Lecky, Jill Toombs, Hilary Newman, Lindsay McLellan, Jeff MacDonald, Morgan Watts.